Module introduction

Module 6 of the Diploma in Legal Practice (DLP) is on Civil and Commercial transactions. It covers transactions of a civil nature and transactions having a commercial character.

The module aims at giving a hands-on experience in the everyday practice of the work as a transactional lawyer. It covers different components that consist of Family transactions, land transactions, corporate transactions, insolvency practice, public-private partnerships, financial transactions, legal aspects of taxation and procedural aspects of intellectual property.  

At the end of the module, trainees are expected to:

-    Understand the rules which govern the transfer of household property;

-    Provide advices on household properties management related matters;

-    Understand the procedures of land registration;

-    Understand the procedures of transferring a land;

-    Provide advices on land registration and transfer issues;

-    Distinguish between different forms of corporations;

-    Understand companies’ incorporation, merging and acquisitions;

-    Understand the basics of insolvency practice;

-    Be able to act as an administrator of a company under insolvency procedure;

-    Understand the purpose of public-private partnerships;

-    Distinguish between different arrangements in the context of public-private partnerships;

-    Understand the role and importance of financial markets in commercial transactions;

-    Distinguish between different financial institutions and their respective regulatory frameworks;

-    Comprehend different types of taxes and tax procedure;

-    Understand procedural aspects of intellectual property both at the level of acquisition and of enforcement of intellectual property rights;

-    Distinguish between different forms of intellectual property rights protections;

-     Understand principles governing intellectual property rights.

Family transactions (Descriptions)



Land transactions (Descriptions)


Procedural Aspects of Intellectual property (Descriptions)



Corporate transactions (Descriptions)



Insolvency Practice (Descriptions)


Legal Aspects of Taxation (Descriptions)


7. Financial markets (Descriptions)



Public - Private Partnership (Descriptions)